Going to Paris in the Fall!

I'm so excited, this will be my first trip to Europe and I have dreamed about it for some time. I'm staying a whole week and plan to visit all the sights. I'm even planning a day trip to Bruge which may be even more exciting then Paris.

I'd love to hear your suggestions for things to do or even some tips for keeping occupied on long flights. I constructed this vintage paper Eiffel Tower to keep my focus on the prize this Fall. This paper toy is available for free and can be downloaded here.


  1. Ha! You know I love me some Paris paper models!!! SUPER cute! I never have been but I am obsessed with going some day. I can not wait to hear details of your trip so I can pretend I went!
    Have a great time!

  2. I suggest a picnic near the Seine river, a ride on an old style carousel (there are many, for example, in Luxembourg Gardens), a butter croissant, Parc de Belleville (wooden structures, very long slide)http://mairie20.paris.fr/mairie20/jsp/site/Portal.jsp?document_id=13610&portlet_id=3432

    Have a nice trip!

  3. Whimsical and wonderful as always! Thank you!

  4. If you dont feel like queuing outside the Louvre, you could pop across the river to the Musee d' Orsay, its smaller, less crowded but packed with great artworks from all the masters, and quite do-able in less than a day (unlike the Louvre!). Also dont miss a trip up to the Sacre Coeur, fantastic views over the city from there, and around it is the village of Montmartre which is lovely. Have a wonderful time!!

  5. Thanks for your suggestions! Old timey carousels and Musee d' Orsay are on my list. A day trip to Montmarte to view the city and artist markets is also planned. :D

  6. In Brugge you should go to Dille & Kamille. I think it's a great store, wish I could decorate my whole house with it...


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