Goals for 2011 - Licensing

At the end of every year I finish up my business paper work and write down goals for the next year. My goal for this year is to wear my jammies to work. What I mean by this is that I'd like to work full time from home, creating art all day. In fact I was so inspired to do so that I bought some cozy fleece pjs, a robe and some fuzzy slippers. I thought if I at least wore the work-at-home uniform it would help my dreams come true. Funny thing is, they make me feel like some lazy old goat instead of a confident independent artist making a living selling my artwork from home. I'm not yet convinced wearing elastic waist pajamas all day inspires motivation and energy.

Anyways, last year was a so-so year. Half the craft shows were very challenging and unprofitable. I started to write down goals for my shop after the new year. I began with small goals - getting items into my Etsy shop that I've been putting off. That didn't seem to be enough, I had to think bigger. I've been wanting to get into licensing for some time now and this is the year to do it. I want to take Fantastic Toys to the next level.

I've always loved the idea of my toys being sold in stores around the nation. In the past I've done wholesale orders where I'm the sole manufacturer - making each item by hand can be so draining. I love to design and create and would prefer to have someone else manufacture the items, which leads me to licensing. I didn't know much about licensing so I began researching and found some great blogs online as well as some books specifically for licensing artwork. So I'm getting my ducks in a row, learning as much as I can about licensing and supporting my self with my art, jammies or not.

My 2011 Licensing Goals

• Continue researching licensing
• Revise Fantastic Toys website, include the following:
- Licensing page
- Portfolio page
- Freelance info
- Press kit
• Research IP lawyer
• Write licensing proposal
• Research licensing agent
• Score my first licensing deal!

Finding good information on licensing can be tricky. If you're interested in licensing here are three invaluable blogs written by artists that will jump start your journey.

Below are some books I've recently purchased with lots of business info.

Graphic Artist's Guild Handbook of Pricing and Ethical Guidelines
Licensing Art 101, Publishing and Licensing Your Artwork for Profit


  1. Hi Timothy, Sounds like you have some great goals for the coming year. It's great to keep busy and productive, oh and the joy of making things is the reward at the end. Have a great week. Kind regards, Anita.

  2. hi! just found your blog and i love it... ive also planned out a few goals for the new year both big and small - cheers to a fabulous year!


  3. Good luck, your goals are really well considered. I think goals are a great way to help us really focus on what we want to acheive! Good Luck! I love your blog xx

  4. LOL about he pjs! Good luck with licensing, you are destined to have your toys in stores around the nation, I'm sure of it!

  5. Hi Tim - love your blog! Great goals you're working towards! I'd love to get to the point where I can move my production out of my home studio and into a street front studio/retail space so my home can be home again.


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