Sewing Machine and Friends

A couple of weeks ago I posted a sneak peek of this set and now its finished and available in my etsy shop. Meet happy sewing machine and his friends the iron and tomato pin cushion. Eventually I'd like to do more with these characters. I'm thinking a little paper tea set would also be cute in this style. Right now I'm working on two other paper toys that should be finished shortly.


  1. Adorable! (Trying to avoid saying "sew cute!")

  2. Adorable, but I guess you knew that. You talent knows no boundries.

  3. Like everyone else has said, these are adorable! I wish my real life sewing machine and iron were half as cute. :)

  4. These are so unbelievable! I love the iron's face! So cute! I'm off to draw a smiling face on my sewing machine!


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