My biggest plush to date! At 2 feet tall and 4 lbs she's my symbol to THINK BIG and follow my dreams. I have always wanted to make a large scale version of my signature pink fawn. I started Sunday night with piecing together the pattern enlarged from my copy printer. By Tuesday night I had finished her with the last stitch of her embroidered eyelashes. I imagine her to be the focal point of my fantasy toy store or perhaps she'll make an appearance at my next show. ;)

Fawnzilla 24"
Original Fawn 10"


  1. Fawnzilla. ha ha
    Beautiful. Someday I plan to add one of your fawns to my collection.

  2. Nice! The cuteness factor was not compromised with the enlarged pattern. :-D

    Btw, I finally saw your "That's Clever" episode! I thought you were great! Were you happy with how it turned out?

  3. HI KristenMary! I still haven't seen it yet. :P Waiting for my Mom to make a DVD copy. She can't figure out how to use the DVR, go figure. If you have a DVD copy let me know.

  4. wow fawnzilla is so cool! love it!

  5. WOW- she's so cool! Love the pic of her with her mini-me.


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