Serendipity in NYC

My friend Laurie left to go to art school in New York City right after she graduated from high school. I always thought it was so brave to pack up your things and travel to the big city like that. We sort of kept in contact over the years and then I hadn't heard from her in over ten years. She recently found me on facebook and we caught up with each others lives. I went to NYC last week and was thinking how nice it would be to get a tour from someone who really knew New York. I thought of Laurie- the only person I knew in New York but didn't know how to get a hold of her besides facebook.

The fifth day of my visit I was determined to find the carousel in Central Park. I decided not to ride and just watch and take photos. I noticed this woman standing in front of me who looked vaguely familiar. She was wearing a funny knit hat and had a distinct profile. She was also taking photos. I looked again.. could it be?? It can't be! Twenty plus years older but yes I think it is! How in a city of millions and a million things to do could I possibly run into Laurie? I asked the woman, "Are you Laurie?" Yes it was! What are the odds of being at the same place at the same time in the busiest city in the world. It was meant to be.

Thankfully she had the next day off and gladly gave me a tour tailored made for me. Since we had similar interests she knew of all the places I might enjoy. We met in the meat packing district at New Yorks latest hot spot, the High Line. We went off to West Village and visited all the cute shops in the area. She showed me all the markets and places where I could possibly sell my toys. We had lunch at a little pizzeria and we visited the Christmas floor at Macy's. We walked up to the garment district where I found some of the best trim shops in the world. We sat in Times Square and pondered about tickets to a show. Finally night fell and we took a subway to the Brooklyn Bridge where we walked and looked at the big city that filled the sky with its bright lights. All in all it was the best day from my visit to New York and I will keep it with me always.The following photos are some of the highlights from my week in NYC.

View from the Empire State Building

Detail of Chagall at MOMA
Times Square
Little Lady of Liberty
Carousel at Bryant Park
Chrysler at dusk
Puppets at the Natural History Museum
Van Gogh at the Met
Detail of Monet
South end of Central Park
Sanrio crying bunny water fountain on Park Ave
Fiber Installation at The Modern
Sidewalk drawing in Greenwich Village

View from the Empire State Building
Chagall at MOMA
Tour of the city with Laurie

Carousel at Bryant Park


Noise, traffic, tourists

- hated it!

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful for you to find your friend! and have an amazing tour of NYC!


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