Fantastic Toys Powderhorn Art Fair

My first outdoor craft show didn't go as smoothly as I had hoped it would. The weather forecast had been predicting thunderstorms all weekend and sure enough the night before it rained soaking my tent through and through. Thankfully I set up my inventory the day of so nothing was damaged ...just a leaky wet tent. Minutes before the show was about to start, black ominous clouds rolled in overhead and nasty winds forced us to shut everything thing up. Eventually the rain subsided but the winds continued to blow knocking my pretty things onto the wet ground. The first day was so disappointing I thought I would never do another show again.

Day two went much better. The weather was beautiful.. sunny and cool. I was much more optimistic. I made some corrections to some of the problems from the day before and the day was much less stressful. I never reached my sales goal but I ended the day with more experience and looking forward to the next outdoor show. In fact I received an invitational award to return next year.


  1. it all looks wonderful, dont give up :)
    %*_*% rosey

  2. You have the cutest set up. Not every show goes as planned, in fact most don't. You just need to keep putting yourself out there. Good luck!

  3. Well at least it ended on a high note! You have such a cute set up. I saw you on the Craftster forums and had to check out your blog. I'd love to feature you this Holiday season on my blog. I'm going to make one of your cupcakes from the tute and blog about it. Thanks so much for sharing!

  4. your set up is really nice and super cute!!!! outdoor shows are always crazy, but every fair is a learning experience :)

    Just fyi, I found your blog from a link to your free download for that super cute gnome mobile!

  5. Omg your creations are just sooo cool and sooo well done! i'm loving it.

  6. Oh so cute! Beautiful, cohesive, inviting and the perfect setting for your darling toys. Well done.

    Shows are crazy, frustrating, addictive. The highs and the lows. Wish you much success!


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