HOORAY! Finally finished!

Today I delivered the last of my wholesale order to Creative Kidstuff. Creative Kidstuff is an award winning toystore in Minnesota with 7 stores in the midwest. My toys will available in the upcoming weeks for the Easter holiday. In addition to the plush they will be featuring new paper toys and the first of my printed cloth doll kits.

I 've been working on this order since Christmas I'm so happy to finally finish. Its been quite the challenge and I learned a lot while doing this. At times a thought I would never finish but with the help of my crafty Mom I was able to finish before the deadline. My Mom gladly came over during the weekends and some times after work and helped me finish until they were done. She cut, stuffed, packaged, glued and I even got her to sew some tails. Thanks so much Mom for all your help!


  1. I cannot imagine how much work it took to finish all those adorable creatures. They look fantastic! When I'm in Minnesota for Easter, I'll have to check out that store.

  2. Wow! That's a truly awesome amount of cute critters!

  3. Congratulations Tim- those creatures are adorable! I love the little outfits the fawns are wearing. Hooray for your Mom helping out!

  4. Holy Moley! They all look beautiful!

  5. holy cow!! that is brilliant, your mum is a saint:) good luck with future sales.
    %*_*% rosey

  6. Your creativity is inspiring! What an amazing gift you have!

  7. so cool! great job in getting all these done- they are fantastic :)

  8. My goodness, what a lot of work! They are adorable.

    I'm over here as Kristen's mom, thanking you for praying for her as she stops smoking. She's doing great - with a bit of insomnia!

  9. thank goodness for mother! ^_^ Well done!

  10. I would love to be in a small room surrounded by all your creations, it would be very smile inducing!


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